地下深くへ・金鹿の学級 Deep Underground (Golden Deer)
(大広間 昼)
Cathedral | Daytime
クロード: 聖墓で女神の啓示を受ける、ねえ……。どうもピンと来ないんだがなあ。
Claude: You're going to receive the goddess's revelation at the Holy Tomb? That's news to me. I did not see that coming.
ヒルダ: レアさまも一緒に行くんでしょ?安全だって話だけど、大丈夫なのかなー。
Hilda: Lady Rhea's going too, right? I hear it will be well guarded, but it is that really okay?
イグナーツ: 確かに、ソロンの仲間がまだいるなら、いつどこに現れるのか……。
Ignatz: If Solon's allies are still around, it's certainly true that we don't know when or where they may appear.
レオニー: 聖墓がどんな場所か知らないけど、警戒はしとくべきだろうね。
Leonie: I don't know what type of place this Holy Tomb is, but we should be cautious.
ラファエル: もし何かあっても、オデたちで何とかすりゃあいいだけだ!
Raphael: If something happens, we'll have to take matters into our own hands.
ヒルダ: ねー、先生はどう思う?レアさまが来るの、大丈夫かな?
Hilda: What do you think, Professor? Is it really OK for Lady Rhea to attend?
Choice 1: 心配 I'm worried.
クロード: 固く封印されてる場所のようだし、余程のことでもない限り大丈夫だろ。
Claude: It seems to be tightly sealed, I'll give you that. We should be fine as long as nothing goes terribly wrong.
Yep… Just as long as nothing goes wrong.
Choice 2: 心強い It's encouraging.
クロード: ちゃっかりレアさんを戦力に数えてやがる。流石は先生、図太いね。
Claude: Leave it to our fearless leader to shrewdly factor in Rhea's fighting ability. You're bold, Teach. I love it.
クロード: ま、何か起きたらそん時だ。臨機応変に立ち回るってことで、いいよな?
Claude: Well, the truth is, we won't know what's going on until it happens. All we can do is stay on our guard and play it by ear.
ローレンツ: クロードは静かにしていたまえよ。君ほど聖なる儀式が似合わぬ者はいないからな。
Lorenz: That's quite enough babbling, Claude. There is nobody more unfit for a holy ceremony than you.
マリアンヌ: ……せ、聖墓に入った途端に神罰が下ったりはしないでしょうか。
Marianne: Um, divine punishment won't strike us for setting foot in the Holy Tomb...right?
リシテア: まったく、どうしてそういつも後ろ向きなんです、マリアンヌ……。
……あら? フレン?何か考え事ですか?
Lysithea: Good grief. Why are you always so negative?
Hm? Flayn? Is something on your mind?
フレン: えっ? い、いえ、何でもありませんわ。しっかり見届けましょうね、皆さん。
Flayn: Who, me? No... It is nothing. May we all see this through to the end.
クロード: しかし、やっぱり腑に落ちないな……。女神は先生の中にいたんだろ?
Claude: It still doesn't make sense to me... A goddess was living inside Teach, right?
But now there's a ceremony to receive a revelation or whatever. How could that be necessary anymore? There must be another objective.
It's pointless to speculate about it now. We'll know the answer soon enough.
There isn't any danger for us students, but… Be careful, Teach.